
Today, being of student-age in Venezuela can be particularly challenging. Thankfully, CIC’s expansive green campus and welcoming community are the perfect alternatives to daily life in Caracas.  CIC is the perfect choice for families that want a personal and supportive experience for their children every day.

The CIC experience is built around the needs of students.  From the incoming Pre-Nursery children to our graduating seniors, each enrolled student receives personal support across the campus.  Specifically, CIC employs highly-skilled teachers, a counselor, a nurse, a psychologist, and a range of support personnel to assure each child is emotionally and physically fit.

In the classroom, students should expect a rigorous but supportive experience.  Visitors observe challenging conversation and project-based learning and teachers are seen primarily as facilitators and guides.  Additionally, though the disciplines are clearly defined, CIC embraces interdisciplinary learning as well as a range of standards and benchmarks that transcend individual classes to assure student learning links to the world beyond the classroom.

CIC offers a wide range of activities to keep students engaged beyond the classroom.  Beginning in Grade 1, students participate in student government and participate in school-wide decision making.  Elementary students also have a range of after-school activities that are exciting and provide great enrichment opportunities.  The secondary school is also a place for expanded student activity.  From hosting the South American Model United Nations (SAMUN) to sports competitions and volunteering opportunities across the country, CIC students may be as involved as each wants to be in the greater community.

Finally, community service and student outreach are a necessary component to school life and each student joins a range of activities where here or she “gives back” to the community at-large.  Onalis Velasquez serves as our director for these responsibilities.